Adding an image to a forum post

How do I add an image to a forum post?

To upload an image, use the icon indicated below, which appears in the top bar of the editor window:


You will then see this popup window:


Files are automatically stored in folders based on the current year/month. You won't be able to select any other destination for your uploads.

You will see three options at the top of that window:

  • Upload
  • Resize (optional)
  • Inser file


When you click Upload, you will see a dialogue box below the option buttons. Select "Choose File" and navigate to the file you wish to upload in your local file system, then click the "Upload" button at the bottom.


After the file finishes uploading, it will appear in the viewing window below the file list area. You can resize that part of the window to get a better view of your image.


Note that the "Upload" dialogue box stays open. This allows you to upload several files at once, but be aware that they are also inserted into the topic/reply one at a time (more on that below).


You may resize your image, though this step is optional. Images will automatically be resized to a maximum of 1200px for either dimension. When images are rendered in the site - either in the editor window, or in forum topics/replies - they will be limited to a maximum width of 90% of the window they are contained in. The only way to view the image in its actual size would be to open it in a new tab.

When you click "Resize", you will see another dialog box under the "Resize" button. Note that you do not need to close each dialogue box before selecting the next option.

Whichever dimension you enter, the corresponding dimension will be filled in automatically with the proportionate value. IMPORTANT: You should always uncheck the "Create a new image" option. We don't want to use extra space on the server storing duplicate files. And, again, when you click "Resize", the dialogue box will remain open. You may proceed to the next step without closing it first.


Insert File

After you click insert file, the file will then appear at the current cursor insertion point in the editor window. If you uploaded multiple files, you may insert them one after another simply by clicking the image upload icon again, selecting the next file from the list, and clicking "Insert file".


Related Information

Currently, the extensions that are allowed to be uploaded are: gif, png, jpg, and jpeg. If you need to upload other types of images, let me know via PM.

There is a 2MB limit on image size. Considering the number of images that get uploaded to this site, we have to limit the burden on the server wherever possible.
