
Turning pasted text into quoted text

The quote feature uses simple open/close quote tags in the body of your post.  Please note that, in the following explanations, the example quote tags are enclosed with double quote marks (") and a space is inserted after the first "[".  This is necessary so the system doesn't turn them into actual quotes in this post.  You should type the quote tags without the " marks and without spaces (except as noted below).

"Quote" vs. "Reply"

At the bottom of each forum post, there are two buttons, labeled "Quote" and "Reply".  The Reply button will open a blank editor window where you can type your reply.  The Quote button will open an editor window with all the text of the post contained between two enclosing "quote" tags.  This includes all text, images, and video links from the quoted post.

"Reply" vs. "Post Reply"

Use the "Post reply" button (top and bottom of the page) if you simply want to add a comment to the thread that isn't related to another existing post.  If you wish to reply to a specific post, and have your post show the "(Reply to #nn)" link, use the "Reply" button of the post itself.

Bookmarking forum posts

If you wish to save a link to any forum post so that you can easily find it later, click the "Bookmark" button for the specific post.  An entry for that post will then be shown on one of the "My Bookmarks" pages, either in the Topics tab, or the Replies tab.  Once you have bookmarked a post, the button for it will change to "Unbookmark".  Click that button to remove the post from your "My Bookmarks" pages.

The + Rep button explained

Think of the + Rep / - Rep buttons as being similar to like/unlike buttons on other sites.  To rep a member's post, click the + Rep button.  After you've repped a post, the button will then show - Rep, allowing you to remove a rep if you clicked the button by mistake.
