FAP400 - day 3

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FAP400 - day 3

Welcome to day 3, a day at Suzuka!
NASCAR has not been here since 1997.

4 goals
All goals: 15 gold to skip.

Goal 1:
3 lap race on the east circuit. Simply win.
21 opponents, rolling start.
Nothing special, bots had problems with the corners to the right ;)

Goal 2:
Win these 3 events (all on the east circuit):
- Autocross (had to beat 37,542 that was easy)
- Speed snap (167.3 km/h also easy)
- Speed record (253,3 just made this one on the final straight)

Goal 3:
3 lap race on the west circuit.
No damage and no off track.
Rolling start and 9 opponents.

Was also easy, but needed 3 tries... kids kept attacking me and this made me go off track :)

Goal 4:
Endurance at the grand prix circuit.
Win the event and slipstream for 1000 yd / 914 m.
I had to beat 8 km, was easy.
Pass the first cars and then stay behind the next ones a bit for some slipstream and then make sure to be at the back of a car for the straights.

Reward: R$ 50.000 and 5 gold

On slipstream: I get the indicator sometimes when in front or beside a vehicle.
On the update: my S3 lags with this update a lot.
On crashes with NASCAR: if you spin a car it opens the flaps on the roof, like the real cars

Hope I got all!

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