FAP400 - Day 7

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FAP400 - Day 7

The final day of the event!

6 goals to complete the last of the 400 laps at Richmond.

All goals are 50 to skip.

Goal 1:
10 lap race, finish 1st and start last (43).

Easy after the dumbing down of the bots yesterday.
Also the bots do not lap backmarkers well, so that helps a lot.

Goal 2:
3 lap race, start 1st and finish 1st.
Keep Dale Earnhardt jr. behind you and do not let him draft for more than 20 seconds.

This sounds tricky, my luck was that another car was behind me and his draft did not count :) so only needed to block him.

Goal 3:
5 lap race, finish 1st, start 16th (though you fall back at the lights).
You need to save fuell. So draft and coast to save fuell. ( you get 8 units).
Also brake assist is switched off for this race.

I pushed in the forst laps to get 2nd to draft behind 1st. Passed on last lap and also used draft of the backmarkers. Finished with 0 left on 1st try.

Goal 4:
6 lap race, finish 1st and start 20th.

Easy race, luckilly the backmarkers caused a crash to catch the top 5!
So was laughing when I passed.

Goal 5:
Work together with Keselowski to catch Steward.
5 lap race with full grid, you start 3rd and need to finish in the top 2.

In the race the drivers were different than the text. But the #2 car was fast in the curves and I could not catch up. Even the backmarkers came too late.
Did some restarts of the race to dumb down the bots and then it was easy.

Goal 6:
20 lap race, finish 1st. You start last (43).

Easy race to the checkered flag!

Reward: 10 gold and the car.

The text before each race mentions something about keep the car in good shape, but for me there was no "no damage" part to any of the goals.

The car is now in my garage and costs 750 gold!

I can redo the event for the remaining cars and the text indicates you again get 7 days. Need to check if I can finish a day and move on to the next or need to wait.

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