NASCAR Pre-Season Rumble 11.1 Suzuka impossible to win!

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NASCAR Pre-Season Rumble 11.1 Suzuka impossible to win!

Hi everyone!

I've done almost all of the NASCAR Pre-Season Rumble and fully upgraded the car. Just one race remains; 11.1 Suzuka East (Speedrush TV Swift 18). I've got the silver, but the gold is impossible! Has anyone managed it?

It seems there's always Cox or Gallagher finishing in under 5 minutes. Assuming it takes you 6 seconds to get up to speed on the first lap, that means putting in a 48 second first lap and then 42 second laps for the rest of the race. That seems beyond the limit of human ability. Has anyone actually succeeded in this? Or is there some funny trick like driving the wrong way and trying to wreck them all at the second-to-last right-hander?


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