Suzuka Rumble 20 - NASCAR Pre-Seadon Rumble

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Suzuka Rumble 20 - NASCAR Pre-Seadon Rumble

The Hockenheimring Endurance in Suzuka Rumble 20 in the Nascar Pre-Season Rumble is the last event for me to finish that series. I have three friends with really high miles on the Endirance and I can't beat the top 2.  First place is 11.9 miles and I can only get about 9 miles. I first tried dumming  them down, but they remained unchanged after many losses. I then went to airplane mode and they are still there. Even restarting the iPad in airplane mode doesn't get rid of these friends' miles - it sits at 11.9 miles no matter what I do. If I could get close, I'd just keep trying to better it, but I'm 3 miles away. Any ideas?

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