Try pre-braking with the McLaren MP4-X

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Try pre-braking with the McLaren MP4-X

I know this is more of a tip or trick but I wanted to maximize the chances that people see it who are fighting with the Formula Future event.

The McLaren MP4-X is a very potent car and a lot of things happen very quickly when driving it.  Because brake assist is currently not working properly I have it completely off now instead of on Low. (This has been a good impetus to get me beyond the habit of using it.)

Using Tilt B, pressing the brake doesn't do anything to slow the car until the throttle is released so I pre-brake before getting into the actual braking zone so I only have to lift off the throttle to start to slow down.

I started doing this at Silverstone when I was having trouble maximizing my speed through the esses and still slow down enough not to slide off in the right hander before Hangar Straight. I would press the brake pedal entering in the esses and then lift off the throttle just going through the apex of the last left hander. 

Pre-braking gives me less things to think about while going through the esses and eliminates the delay between lifting the throttle and braking. I'm now doing this on most corners.

I'm wondering if this is helpful for others. Please let me know if you are already doing this or if you try it now. 

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