Why does NASCAR have different modelling

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jahn p
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Why does NASCAR have different modelling

Hi all, just curious
From my point of view, it isn't a case of "does" RR3 use different modelling in their Motorsport series, but why do they
Just got to the Silverstone National 6 lapper in latest update, and had flashbacks to the previous series where it took me over a month of reasonably regular tries to get into the top 3 in the same event after having finished all other events with a fully upped car
For one point, how is it possible to finish 99% of a series and yet have one only register as unreasonably hard, and then do it again in the next series, same track

Also, if I do my dailyM$ grind in an F1 car (any one of the 9 - 2019 cars that are fully upped,) I can usually do at least 2 races of 9 laps in longest Silverstone or Monza , etc, and yet in NASCAR, generally a 4 lapper needs a service ( with the exception of the 6 lap Silverstone National and some Daytona races)
AND, the M$ rewards are a fraction of the F1 races ???

Rant finished but not clarified yet,
but just while I am here, I might mention an interesting side note
Just got an offer (special just for me:) to buy 12.5 million R$ for only $159.99 Australian dollars.
At that rate, my bank has $9,983 worth of R$ and yet only absolute minimum (their maximum) M$

Looks like the M$ spent for a second NASCAR car would be far better spent on almost anything else ( or nothing)

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