Safe DeLorean driving during Ferrari challenges

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Safe DeLorean driving during Ferrari challenges

Hi, everyone.

May be I'll write nothing new, but still there are numerous questions in different topics dealing with safety of time trvelling. Some thoughts from my personal experience.

I've used Delorean for repairments during 1st Ferrari challenge, numerous times saw a message from agent, but at the end I got the car. The only thing - I've traveled only 6 hours plus withous jumping into the next day. Pretty obvious.

During 2nd event everything the same, but in the last day, after I saw the agent's message and finisged all the races I didn't get the car. To my luck I've made a save before starting the last day, so the worst thing I had to pass all the last days challenges again.

So, Tip 1: Be afraid of the agents message only during the last day of the challenge.

And then Tip 2: before startint any event look at the bottom of the screen at the progress bar - if you don't see the name of the car you are going to win - load the game.

So here's my method of safe time travelling:

Make Cloud Save!

1. After you've seen your car needs repairment, turn of wi-fi, then press "Repair".

(I don't know if it is critical to turn of wi-fi BEFORE starting the repair or you may do it after, but I'm doing this way)

2. Kill the app. Open settings, time and date and spin the wheel 6 hours ahead (once again: don't jump to another date!).

3. Start RR3, but don't start Ferrari challenge. Start any other already won short race instead (drag, time callnge - whatever) and finish it - no mater at what place, even the last is ok.

4. Kill the app. Open settings, time and date and spin the wheel 6 hours backwards.

5. Start RR3, your Ferrari is OK, no messages fron the agent. You may turn the wi-fi on, if you need it.

All the same try to win any Ferrari challenge event before doing a save again just to realize, that evrything is OK. 

Good luck to everyone, chaps!

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