Fuel saving challenges

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Last seen: 9 months 2 days ago
Joined: 29 Jan 2014
Fuel saving challenges

What is the deal with all these "Watch your fuel" challenges lately? I like the idea, so in the beginning I cruised like a happy little fuel saver. A few days ago I thought: "How much fuel does one all out lap burn?" so I drove one lap like a maniac (read: normal). And what do you know? It took less than the 4 units that I had per lap. And this was true for all challenges in the last days. The last two I drove with no thoughts on fuel saving. The first lap in Suzuka took exactly 4 units, the following laps naturally less and I ended up having fuel to spare.

Has it something to do with upgrades? My car is now at 25/27 so it is faster and accellerates quicker than a stock car. If the fuel consumption is not adapted with the upgrades but a constant time based rate that could explain it. Has anybody some data with less upgraded cars? Or is this fuel saving thing just completely pointless?

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