Arts versus Science - a tale on the driver's body

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Arts versus Science - a tale on the driver's body

So all started with this "discomforting" image (thanks Enzo) of a 'concept' car with a really movement-limiting headrest. I'd use the word conceptUAL for this car, but the idea here is the same, whether this car will be produced one day or not.


The objective of design and all forms of art in motorsports is defy and provoke the consumer, as well as the engineers! Art comes to science as a tool to expand and free us from logical thinking. Logics reign everywhere, but logical thinking is too restrict to innovate fearlessly, and to make sense itself sometimes. And of course art and science go always together:

That headrest design is so simple, everything fits at a first look. The 2-nd to n-th looks - from the engineer's to the salesman's - will change a lot in order to attend to each specific demand. Both designer and salesman use art to produce work, while the engineers must attend to both extremities of this chain, being inspired by the designers and inciting the buyers. Whether that headrest will make it to the industry is unknown (F1 or streets, who knows?), but a hawk-eyed engineer somewhere has already thought about it, on the various possible ways to make it work effectively.

Then I went to business and said what I knew about the necessary movements of the drivers neck, the neck joints and stuff. Not my area, and the language doesn't help sometimes (maybe because I played with ensemble/assemblage, or changed ball-and-socket for concave/convex? lol), but the outcome of that reply was awesome. Remembering what we know and connecting the parts is sometimes a tough task, but the outcome in the best humorous and 'WTF' MRR style was just awesome!

Thanks guys! This forum is wonderful! :)

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