Toyota sale: is it better for farming than the Porsche?

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Toyota sale: is it better for farming than the Porsche?

Hey all, this summer i started up a new game after deleting the last profile (accidentally).  Ive finally reach the road to le mans and of course the toyota goes on sale.  

I only have about 500 gold right now, and im just wondering what people are doing.  Im thinking of using the gold to do some cheaper upgrades on the 919.  Either way the car will be used to farm unserviced 10 lappers.  

I guess this is kind of wordy but my question is this: does the toyota have any measurable impact on my ability to farm 10 lappers? am i better off saving my gold for the next update?


edit: forgot to mention, i dont care about 100% completion, my only goal is having a consistent way to farm gold so i can participate in time trials and team challenges and stuff like that

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